Friday, October 29, 2010

Victorian Outfit Update... Again!

Well I took the trip to Melbourne yesterday, FINALLY, and it was awesome. I had such a fun day and the trip to R J Harvey was amazing. I rode in an attendant operated elevator, then walked into the most amazing tailors supplies shop... and I think Mr Harvey actually served me. Anyone else like old-fashioned service? Two rooms filled floor to ceiling with old cardboard boxes (think Ollivander's in HP) and a gigantic tailors bench takes up most of the floor space, and to top it off he wrote my receipt by hand and wrapped up my supplies in brown paper and string. Heaven.

Of course I started my corset as soon as I got home. I've put it together now, and sewn all of the spiral boning. I'd love to hear your comments!

Here is a quick preview

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Victorian Outfit Update

Well, I certainly have been busy, and am about to take some pictures for you lovelies while this sits open :)

This is my hat :) Made from a pre-made fascinator base, I then covered it with the pale blue velveteen. I then rolled the velveteen and attached to the edge. I am yet to find flowers I like, so will be keeping an eye out for those.

The layers you see, or don't see here are as follows-

  • Chemise and drawers
  • Corset, which is still the mock-up- though I have cut out the white and organised a busk and boning
  • Petticoat- As before, and still not ironed
  • Underskirt that I drafted and sewed yesterday, the waistband is not yet attached and nor is it hemmed, but I am extremely pleased with it.
Yay, I now need to make that trip to Melbourne this week, sew an overskirt (which looks kinda like an apron), complete my corset and bodice. Sounds simple, in reality though...


Well life has been crazy here for the last while. Work, trips to Melbourne, sewing madly, trying to remember to eat, going to the gym and personal training, rock climbing, re-enactment and of course trying to keep the house in some sort of order (an endeavour in which we certainly haven't been entirely successful!)

I shall post some photo's now, so I can then go curl up on the couch and contemplate my Victorian Outfit some more

This moth we found last night in the study, then he came to join us on the couch ^__^

Luke found this little guy on our clothesline about a week ago fixing his web in the dark

And our beautiful lilac bushes are smelling divine at the moment

Monday, October 11, 2010


Well this is what has been keeping me busy!!

Petticoat done (3-4 hours) and corset in the making. A trip to Melbourne is is order to pick up the necessary notions (such as a busk, boning and grommets) Yay.